Thursday, March 25, 2010

Update Well Due 3-25-2010

Since my last post, we've planted many more seedlings, and the others have grown up a lot more. Daddy also built a cold frame, but that will have to go to the next post as it is dark right now. Here are some pictures of our indoor seedlings and plants.

Tomato forest. This is 27/30 of them.

Another view of the tomato forest.

These are pansy seedlings. They sprouted 6 weeks after we planted them.

An African violet Oma gave to us. It's blooming now!

Basil, transplanted.

Marigold. It did turn out to be a marigold, after all. "It's got the purple stem, see?" - Ambrose

Basil, untransplanted.

Geranium seedlings!

Parsley. Ambrose transplanted them into yogurt containers about 2 weeks ago. Now they're happy and big.

Here are the peppers. They finally sprouted, and now they're pretty big. There was a third, but it died, because the seed didn't fall off of it.

Coleus seedling. This is the only one that survived a drop.

Leeks! These were planted on Feb 9.

Fuschia cuttings. We put them into florist's foam and put them in water. Now they have roots!
More transplanted basil.

Begonia cuttings. I just planted them just like African violets. The one on the left seems to have taken hold. That second leaf was a tiny bud when I planted the cuttings.

More, newer marigold seedlings.

The whole shebang. The bottom tray with 10 capsules per section is Stella's petunias. They have sprouted: